Pitch your startup to some of the best investors in Colorado. All at once.

Once submitted, your pitch will be shared with the amazing investors below. Each invest on their own, and will reach out directly if interested. We can't wait to see what you're building.
Meet the investors:

Mat Vogels

Partner, Julian Capital
Investor to be revealed soon

Natty Zola

Partner, Matchstick Ventures
Investor to be revealed soon

Katie Jacobs Stanton

Partner, Moxxie Ventures
Investor to be revealed soon

Kate Beardsley

Partner, Hannah Grey
Investor to be revealed soon

Matt Blomstedt

Partner, SpringTime Ventures
Investor to be revealed soon

Adam Burrows

Partner, Range Ventures
Investor to be revealed soon

Jonathan Fentzke

Partner, Far Out Ventures
Investor to be revealed soon

Jaclyn Hester

Partner, Foundry
Investor to be revealed soon

Cara Morphew

Partner, Sweater Ventures
Investor to be revealed soon

Tim Morrissey

VC, Drive Capital
Investor to be revealed soon

Marc Nager

Partner, Greater Colorado Venture Fund
Investor to be revealed soon

Ari Newman

Co-founder, Massive.VC
Investor to be revealed soon

Julie Penner

Partner, Frazier Group
Investor to be revealed soon

Kirsten Suddath

Partner, Next Frontier Capital
Investor to be revealed soon

Dalton Wright

Partner, Kickstart
Investor to be revealed soon

Have you ever wanted to attend Techstars?

Submissions to Pitch Colorado will also be shared with the Managing Directors of each Colorado program.

Submit your deck, get in front of top local investors. It's that simple.

We accept decks from Pre-seed through Series A+


Submit your pitch

It takes under five minutes and includes just a handful of questions.


Investors review every submission

Seriously. Every one. We'll review them individually and diligence as a group.


Investors reach out directly

If interested, investors will individually reach out directly.
Show us what you're working on! Submit your pitch

Every quarter we handpick five startups to pitch LIVE.

Top VCs and angel investors in attendance

We'll fill the room (virtual or in-person) with active, local investors eager to hear your pitch.

We work with each startup leading up to the event

We'll help you refine everything from your pitch to design to even your go-to-market strategy.

SpringTime Ventures

Series A
Series B+

Julian Capital

Series A
Series B+

Techstars Ventures

Series A
Series B+

Kickstart Fund

Series A
Series B+

Range Ventures

Series A
Series B+

Foundry Group

Series A
Series B+


Series A
Series B+

Sweater Ventures

Series A
Series B+

Matchstick Ventures

Series A
Series B+

Batshit Crazy Ventures

Series A
Series B+

The most dynamic investor database in Colorado.

Always up to date with the most accurate information

We work directly with investors to keep our data current and accurate.

Filter by check-size, stages, sectors and more

Fundraising isn't easy. But we can make it easy to filter by the things that matter most in your investor search.
View the Database

Common Questions.

I submitted my deck... Now what?

As soon as you submit your pitch, all investors are notified and the information is shared with them directly. We'll analyze and comment on deals as a group in order to surface the best pitches to everyone.

If an investor is interested, they'll reach out directly to the email provided. Typically within a couple of weeks, but could be up to 30 days.

We'll do our best to provide a response within 30 days with feedback when we can.

What happens if I don't get a response?

If you don't get a response within 30 days it's likely that no individual investor is interested this time around. We'll do our best to provide feedback to each submission within 30 days, in hopes that you'll be able to iterate and submit again!

Are all pitches really reviewed?

Yes! We have a process that allows us to review every pitch that comes in as a group. We can't promise that every pitch will get a response, but we'll do our best to provide feedback when we can.

What are common reasons for investors to pass on my pitch?

There are many reasons that VCs pass, but typically it stems from three potential conflicts:

1) They don't believe the idea can lead to a $1B+ outcome 🦄

Reaching a $1B valuation would require a clear path to $100m+ in revenue. The truth is most startups won't reach this milestone, and most probably shouldn't aim for it. Investors can come to this conclusion in many ways, but commonly we see these reasons:

  • The market isn't big enough to support this outcome (e.g. the market itself is only $100M). The common mistake investors make here is not seeing where the puck is going (that's your job) - you need to convince them of the future where this market becomes $100B.
  • The market is big enough ($100B), but is saturated with competitors, making it difficult to reach a meaningful percentage. Hard, not impossible - especially if you have a secret edge to capture marketshare.
  • There is no market pull for your idea. Meaning they don't believe customers truly want what you're selling, or that they won't for long.

2) They don't believe you or your team has the necessary skills / experience / etc to reach $1B valuation

This one stings the most, and is also where so many VC mistakes are made. Prove them wrong.

3) Your startups simply doesn't fit their fund or investment thesis

Although it may seem like a common copout for investors, it can also be quite true. Investors raise funds from their own investors (limited partners) in which they've pitched their own vision of the future and how they plan to invest in it. Often times this includes specific (and unique) sectors, geographies and ideologies. Sometimes you're just not the right fit, and it's best to move on.

What type of companies do you look for? What stages? Valuation? Traction?

These are all good questions! The short answer is that between the group of us, we invest in all sectors, stages, valuations and levels of revenue. We also have a large network of investors outside of this group that we will often share pitches with, thus opening up these options even more.

Do I have to be in Colorado to submit?

We'll accept pitches from anywhere, but prioritize local companies in Colorado 🏔

Tell me more about this pitch event.

The short of it is that we will select ~5 companies each quarter and invite them to pitch at a live event full of local investors and fellow startup founders. We will work hand in hand with these selected startups to prepare them for the event. We'll mainly help refine their pitch, but may also help strategize everything from marketing, product and more.

I'm an investor and want to be part of Pitch Colorado. How do I join?

Are you wanting early access to hot startups in Colorado? Before anyone else? Request access by filling out this questionnaire.

Resources to help in your fundraising process

Fundraising is hard. Like, really hard. Here are some additional resources that might help.
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